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Parents, register your children in the Tzivos Hashem Army Today!

Tzivos Hashem is an army of boys and girls from all over the world, children just like yourself, doing acts of kindness, showing care and concern for others, learning Torah and doing Mitzvot (good deeds).

Tzivos Hashem, Hebrew for "The Army of Hashem," was founded in 1980 by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Its programming enables Jewish life and Jewish learning to be fun and exciting for Jewish children.

When you enroll in Tzivos Hashem, you start out as a Private, but as you do more good deeds and complete Mitzvah Missions, you earn valuable Mitzvah points which enable you to go up in rank. For each rank, the “soldier” receives a beautiful prize and certificate at the monthly Court of Honor.

Good luck! If you try hard, you may eventually become a Four Star General!

Click here for program details.  

To enroll your child simply fill out the form below: 

First Name:
Last Name:
My child is a:  Boy      Girl
Zip Code:
English Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Parents Email:  (all MItzvah Missions are sent by email) 
Email Confirm:  
Child's Email:

Please charge my credit card a $25 Enrollment Fee

I would like to partner with Tzivos Hashem by adding a tax deductable donation  $ 

Total to Charge

Card Type

Card Number

Exp. Date


CCV Number (on back of card)

Please add me to Chabad of Malibu's email list.  
I Accept Name: