We are a diverse group from various levels of observance who come together for learning, spirituality, growth, social interaction and friendship. We invite you to join our growing Shul and become part of this wonderful community.
Membership Benefits:
High Holiday tickets
Listings of departed loved ones in Yom Kippur YISKOR booklet
A Family member to receive honor during High Holiday services
Complimentary tickets to Annual Membership Shabbat Dinner
Entitled to a Lulav & Etrog set for Sukkot
A Box of Shmurah Matzah for Passover
5% discount on Preschool tuition
10% discount on Hebrew School tuition
20% discount on all Chabad events and programs including Lectures, Parties, Socials, Shabbat & Holiday Dinners, etc.
20% discount on Bar/Bat Mitzvah fees (after 1st year of membership)
Shiva Service
Menorah & Candles kit mailed to your child at college
Listing in the Membership Directory
Use of the premises for social events free of charge. Limit once annually. Subject to availability and restrictions. Must use in house caterer. Responsible for $250 custodial fee.
Belonging to an amazing Jewish community & building lifelong friendships
Membership Opportunities:
$5000 Partnering family Membership
$3600 Family Membership
$1800 Single Parent Membership
$1500 Single Membership
Payment Options:
You can make your payment by check or credit card. You may also divide the dues into 10 separate post dated checks or credit card payments throughout the year. You may also choose to have us bill you periodically throughout the year.
We’d love for YOUR FAMILY to become a part of OUR FAMILY!